Porticos of Bologna

Bologna is an old university city in northern Italy known for its beauty, great cuisine, and its left-wing politics. Bologna has porticoed walkways and a compact, interesting medieval center with a large central square and medieval towers. Bologna is a unique landscape with it’s porticoes offering around 25 miles of covered walkways to discover and enjoy. Set off on a private walking tour and learn about the place.

Learn about the wooden structures which were once the solution for a lack of housing in the city. Porticoes are the arteries of the city, under which an endless stream of humans hurry along their way, day and night. Over the years the Porticoes have completely altered the face and character of the city. In old town you can see Medieval wooden porticoes or marvelous arches from the Cinquecento or Seicento. Built from 1200 to 1900, all the styles and decorations of Bologna’s signature architectural feature, from Romanesque to Liberty.

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